Business Recap for June 2020

Date: June 24, 2020
Subject: Monthly Business Recap for June 2020

Highlights From Last Week’s BOD Meeting:

The June Board meeting was approximately an hour and shelved a number of planned agenda items in favor of the discussion of opening the pool. By now the community has received communications from the office explaining under what conditions the pool can be used and how to sign up, but it’s worth knowing what was up for discussion and how it was arrived at.

State executive orders provided a list of restrictions to adhere to in pool operations, and the Board and several committees worked closely with Anchor Aquatics on coming up with creative ways to open the pool.

One of the main topics was choosing one of three options to meet these requirements.

  1. The one the Board voted to move forward on, opening at one-third capacity and coming in over budget at approximately $1500-$2000 depending on some variable costs
  2. The option to open at full capacity but have to spend approximately $3000 on top of the above, in additional labor costs
  3. Not open the pool at all.

Additionally a motion was passed to allow us to use a paid version of Sign-Up Genius that had some additional features we really needed to manage the sign ups.

In non-BOD news, don’t forget, Fireworks at Kent Narrows scheduled for July 1 (rain date July 2)—without the usual social events.  If you plan to watch from the QL parking lot,

please remember social distancing guidelines or watch from the safety of your cars.  You might also be able to view from your unit if you look south on the river towards Gibson’s Grant.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on these office communications, please contact [email protected]

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