Frequently Asked Questions, Office Forms, Information, and Governing Documents

Clubhouse Hours
The clubhouse is open 7 days a week year-round from 4:00 am to 12:00 midnight.
Clubhouse and Maintenance Area Access Fobs
If this is a new purchase or you are one of our owners’ new renters and the previous resident passed their fobs on to you, you may find that the fobs do not work as we do deactivate them when a home changes hands. If you did receive fobs from the previous resident, simply contact the office and we will reassign under your name and reactivate the fobs. If they did not pass on their fobs, you may purchase fobs at the clubhouse. Fobs are $10.00 each and are payable by check only to Queen’s Landing Council of Unit Owners (QLCUO).
Mailbox and Mailbox Keys
These are obtained from either the Stevensville Post Office or the Chester Post Office (this seems to change from time to time) but the main point is this is not assigned by the Association so you will need to contact the post office.
Curbside Trash Collection
Trash days are Mondays and Fridays. Trash should be placed at the curb after dusk the night before pick-up in securely tied, heavy-duty plastic bags (NOT in cans). When a major holiday (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas) falls on one of our scheduled pick-up days (Monday or Friday), the trash will be picked up the following day
(Tuesday or Saturday).
Trash Cans Available at Maintenance Area (Fob Access Only)
If you need to dispose of trash and it is not a curbside pickup day there are cans available at the maintenance area located off Queen Anne
Way. Please place your trash inside the containers and not on the ground. This area is for household trash only and these cans are emptied 2x week on Mondays and Fridays, same as curbside service.
Recycle (Fob Access Only)
Bins are emptied 3x week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). 2 Single stream recycle dumpsters are available at the Queen’s Landing Maintenance Shed. All your recyclables can be placed together in the same container. Plastic bags CANNOT be disposed of in the Recycle bins; items must be placed loosely in containers. Cardboard boxes must be broken down to conserve space.
Bulk Waste Program (Fob Access Only)
To help residents handle trash items that cannot be bagged and placed in the cans and is not recyclables QL offers the maintenance dumpster that is located behind the gates next to the recycle dumpster.
The main purpose of this dumpster is still for maintenance use, however, many times the dumpster is not full. Every Wednesday at close of business, if there is space available in the maintenance dumpster, the gates will be left standing open and will remain open through pick up on Friday morning or until the dumpster is full. When the dumpster gets full, maintenance will close the gates. If the gates are closed, even if not locked, residents cannot use the dumpster.
Items not allowed to be placed in the maintenance dumpster include: Aluminum Foil, Paperboard, Plastic Bags, Styrofoam Containers, Tissue Paper, Wax Coated Cardboard, Grass Clippings,
Basketball Hoops, Book Case, Couch, Desk, Dresser, Entertainment Center, Kitchen Table, Picnic Tables,
Ping Pong Tables, Pools, Sofa, Toys, Trampolines, Dehumidifier, Freezer, Humidifier, Microwave, Propane Tanks, Refrigerator, Water Softeners, Abrasives, Animal Waste, Batteries, Corrosive Waste, Flammable Waste, Fluorescent light tubes, Paint, Oil, Fuel Additives, Hazmat Items, Computers/Monitors/TVs, Refinery Brick Materials, Vehicle, or Boat Parts.
Items not allowed in either the cans, recycle or maintenance dumpster must be taken to one of Queen Anne’s County Transfer Stations (dump). Some items can be disposed of for free; others require a ticket.
Books of 15 tickets can be purchased at Western Auto or Food Lion. Check the following Queen Anne’s
County Trash Website for more information and transfer station locations.
Our closest location is Batts Neck in Stevensville off Route 8.
Vehicle Decals
Please complete an owner registration form and return to the management office to
obtain your vehicle decals. QL rules require residents to register all vehicles and display the QL Decal on
your front windshield. Vehicles not displaying a decal will be tagged for towing.
Registering Pets
QL Rules require that ALL pets, except for fish, be registered with the Association Manager office. If you have a pet, please complete the pet registration form, and return to the management office along with a photo of your beloved pet. There are pet waste bag stations and pet waste cans located throughout the community. Please note that the waste bags are provided for those times when you are caught out without a pet waste bag, or your beloved pet has decided to do more poo than you were prepared for – these are not meant to be your sole source of bags but are for “emergency” situations.
There is no assigned or reserved parking in Queen’s Landing. Some buildings have more parking than others but, in most cases, there is not sufficient space to ensure parking for 2 vehicles per unit. As such, we urge multi-car families, visitors, and guests to use the overflow parking located throughout the community as available. If you need handicapped parking, please complete a Handicap Parking Request form to include an appropriate certification from the Department of Motor Vehicles and submit to the management office.
Remodeling Your Unit
If you are a new owner, you may be wanting to do some remodeling in your unit, however, before you do any remodeling that will entail moving plumbing fixtures, electrical or HVAC, moving or removing walls, you will need to submit an Architectural Change Request. Also, please remember, you have purchased a condominium and the patio areas and stoops/porches are not owned by you but are limited common area for your use. No changes can be made to these areas without approval so if you are wanting to make any changes to these areas you must submit an Architectural Change Request. Also, please note pictures, outdoor artwork, etc cannot be attached to the exterior siding of the building. Awnings can be attached but again an ACR must be submitted for review. If there are changes you are contemplating, please discuss with the Association Manager at your onboarding meeting.
Satellite Dishes
If you will be installing a satellite dish you do need to submit an Architectural Change Request. Please discuss with the Association Manager at your onboarding meeting if you will be installing a satellite dish.
Pool Passes (2025)
Process to be announced Spring 2025
Small Craft Storage
There is a limited amount of storage racks/spaces available to rent for small craft such as kayaks, canoes and paddleboards. Rentals/registrations are on an annual cycle and expire on May 30 of the following year. This is a yearly fee and is nonrefundable, nonproratable and nontransferable. We do not keep waiting lists for these spaces as new registration is on first come first serve basis
Tennis/Pickleball Courts
Tennis/Pickleball Courts are located on Queen Mary Court.
Walking Path Code
Entry code is required and can be obtained on the FirstService Residential portal > Frequently Asked Questions > Welcome Information > What amenities does my association have?
Board Meetings
Association Board Meetings are held every third (3rd) Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm in the Chester Room located at the clubhouse. The meetings are open to all owners. You may also attend meetings online or via teleconference. Information to join each meeting can be found on the Meeting and Event Calendar page.
Committee Meetings
Association Committee Meetings are held as determined necessary by the Committee Chairs. Information to join each meeting can be found on the Meeting and Event Calendar page.
Maintenance Requests
Maintenance Requests are done via Association Manager FirstService Portal. You will be prompted for your FirstService login, then click Service Request.
Architectural Change Request Resources
Architectural Change Request Form
Post Restoration Planting Guidelines
Plat Maps for the Community will be loaded into the FirstService Portal shortly.
Selection Examples
Other Forms
Covenants Violations and Complaints Form
Governing Documents
Exhibit B: Chart of Maintenance Responsibilities
Marina Documents
Association Insurance
The Baldwin Group
101 Crawfords Corner Road #1300
Holmdel, NJ 07733-1978
301-409-4611 (Agent Direct, not for certificates of insurance)
732-834-0233 (fax)
How do I obtain a Certificate of Insurance for the Association?