Subject: Water Aerobics is Back and Starts Monday, July 13!
Water Aerobics is back!
Starting Monday, July 13, classes will be held at the pool on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:10 pm to 1:10 pm. These classes are available for residents only (no guests) and are FREE! While equipment is not necessary to enjoy the benefits of water aerobics if you want to use aqua dumbbells or noodles you will need to bring those items with you and take them home afterwards as no equipment will be allowed to be stored at the pool.
After reviewing the sign ups/attendance for the pool it appears the 12:00 – 1:50 pm block of time is not heavily attended and as water aerobics is being limited to 10 people per class and the pool will be divided off this will not affect those few that have enjoyed the pool earlier in the day and, of course, you could simply sign up for water aerobics, too, and join the fun for the first hour of that time block.
If you are signing up for water aerobics you do need to sign up for the pool time as well so that there is an accurate count of pool goers and slots available to those simply wanting to enjoy the pool during that block of time. Both sign ups are at or simply click this link Queen’s Landing Water Aerobics to get started! Once you’ve signed up for the water aerobics go to the Pool Time Reservations sign up. Instructions are provided in the Water Aerobics sign up on how to do the pool time reservations. It’s super easy but if you need assistance with the first sign up please call the office and we’ll walk you through it.