Occasional Thurderstorms Forecasted Tonight – Take Precautionary Measures for Vehicles and Outdoor Items

Date: August 14, 2020
Subject: Occasional Thurderstorms Forecasted Tonight – Take Precautionary Measures for Vehicles and Outdoor Items
Please take a moment to secure outdoor items.  If you have a vehicle parked on Queen Mary Court, it is advised to move vehicles to other locations in the community as this area is known to flood  PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE GRASS OR DRIVE OVER SIDEWALKS.  Anyone caught doing so will receive a violation.  There are plenty of areas in the community to park without causing possible damage to sidewalks, grass or breaking the community rules.
All residents should be mindful of the weather and pay attention to your surroundings and act accordingly.  If you see it starting to flooding where your vehicle is parked – move it.  If you have a leak, please take measures to reduce damage – use buckets, towels, etc and contact the Emergency On Call Manager at 443-548-0191.

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