Date: August 17, 2020
Subject: Volunteers Needed for Covenants Committee
Subject: Volunteers Needed for Covenants Committee
The Covenants Committee is looking for committee members. Please take a moment to review the committee charter for this committee as shown below and if interested, please complete the attached volunteer application and return the form to the office via email at [email protected] or drop the completed form in the dropbox located at the clubhouse entrance or mail to QLCOUO, 500 Queen’s Landing Drive, Chester, MD, 21619. If you have questions about the committee please contact committee chair, Bob Karnei, at [email protected].
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Unit Owners and the Association to have a committee to assist in the development of rules, policies and standards of the community, to maintain the visual harmony of the community, and to manage the activities of the community; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors within its authority has the responsibility to establish such committees and charge those committees with duties and responsibilities,
NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors does establish by resolution a STANDING COMMITTEE chartered as the Covenants Committee. The Purpose, Responsibilities, and Organization of the Committee are set forth herein:
PURPOSE To assist the Board of Directors in development, oversight and enforcement of the Declaration, Bylaws, Rules & Regulations and Policies that control the design, appearance, use and enjoyment of the community.
The Committee shall:
…..regulate the external design, appearance, and use of the Common and Limited Common Elements.
…..evaluate unit owner’s requests for change through the use of the Architectural Change Request (ACR) form in accordance with current Policies and Rules and Regulations.
…..impose reasonable fees and costs for required reports, analyses or consultations in connection with changes proposed by a unit owner when permitted.
…..oversee and monitor a log of violations and a tracking system maintained on the portal by the Managing Agent that ensurse a timely and just solution of violations.
……enforce the provisions of the Maryland Condominium Act, Condominium Instruments, Rules and Regulations and resolutions of the Board of Directors pursuant to the fines procedures as outlined in Subsection 9.1(g) of the By-Laws.
…..provide interpretations of the Condominium Instruments, Rules and Regulations, and resolutions of the Board of Directors when requested by a unit owner or the Board of Directors.
…..periodically activate the Documentation and Rule and Regulations Sub-Committee to review the Declaration, ByLaws, Resolutions and Policies, and Rules and Regulations to ensure that they are accurate, current, meet the needs of the community, and adhere to the Maryland Condominium Act as amended and governing documents of the Association.
…..prepare reports of the committee’s actions, motions, and recommendations so the Chairperson/Board Liaison person can present such reports to the Board of Directors at the next Board meeting.
…..prepare articles for community newsletters, when appropriate, detailing the activities, accomplishments, and future plans of the Covenants Committee, and submit them to the Newsletter, Website and Community Relations Committee’s Board Liaison.
…..notify the Managing Agent at least a week in advance of the date and time of all committee meetings so that the Association Unit Owners can be notified to meet the public meeting requirement. Only emergency meetings or MCA allowed Executive Session meetings are excluded.
…..maintain all applicable records of official Covenants committee activities in coordination with the Managing Agent.
The Committee shall:
…..consist of at least three (3) Unit Owners; one (1) of whom shall be a board member to act as Chairperson and Board Liaison required to hold the position for two years, and a minimum of two Unit Owners who are not members of the Board, also required to hold the position for two years; unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.
……meet at least annually; however, shall meet as often as necessary to complete its assigned responsibilities.
…..ensure that the committee chairperson or his/her alternate attends all of this Committee’s Meetings and all Board of Directors Meetings
…..comply with the Board of Directors Resolutions, and the current version of the Guidance and Operation of Committees.