BOD Recap for May 2021

Date: May 21, 2021
Subject: Monthly: BOD Recap for May 2021

Highlights From This Week’s BOD Meeting:


President Bob Karnei asked that his opening message for the month be included here.


First, as I have said before, we are all members of the same beautiful waterfront community and want what is best for our neighborhood to keep it one of the most desirable on Kent Island. We seem to be in a good place currently as home inventory is very low with sales in the community at record highs and sales are closing quickly. Let’s all make an effort to welcome our new neighbors.


Second, we have a fairly new office staff here, both our onsite manager Lisa Shank and her administrative assistant Christina Pinkett are making great progress learning the ins and outs of the community, the daily office duties and the residents here at Queens Landing. This is the time of year when the call and email volume seems to increase as some of our out of state residents are returning and summer activities are getting ready to start. We also have the roof, clubhouse COMAR and door and window replacement projects ramping up. I implore everyone to have patience and please remember that although your concern is very important to you and us, it might not make the top ten list for the day. The office staff is not here to act as anyone’s concierge or stress relief venting target. They have specific tasks to perform and a newly organized priority list to work from. The onsite manager and administrative assistant are employees of Tidewater Management which is contracted by Queens Landing to manage the Community. Lisa and Christina take their direction from Tidewater and the BOD President. I have had the misfortune of listening to a couple of disgusting phone messages and reading a few disheartening emails over the past couple of weeks. I have also received reports of our maintenance contractor, Kenny, someone not new to this organization, also having been the victim of some abusive interactions. These types of behavior need to stop immediately and I am instructing the office staff to forward any future interactions like these to the executive Board to determine appropriate action. The office, as of now, is going to tell anyone ranting on the phone to please put their concern in writing and send it to the office at Queens Landing where it will be properly redirected. Raised voices and foul language will not accelerate anyone’s cause but will certainly add some red tape to the process. I don’t wish to need to stand between any homeowner and the office or board but it is the job I agreed to do until October. I am asking Mike to send this out with the BOD recap along with pictures of both Lisa and Christina as a formal introduction to the community and I hope when you see them out and about in the neighborhood you will take a minute to introduce yourself to them but allow them complete the task at hand. We will be receiving lanyards and credentials for the office staff and committee volunteers to wear when they are performing tasks in the development so they will be easily recognized.


Civility and professionalism will get you to where you need to be far faster than the alternative behavior that I have witnessed lately.


Lisa Shank

On-Site Community Manager



Christina Pinkett

On-Site Administrative Specialist




In new business was a motion which clarified the meaning of the word ‘present’ in the Bylaws as it applies to attending Board meetings.  This passed after a lengthy debate but all agreed it would go for a legal opinion.


Also noted were efforts to look into how to get the clubhouse and pool opened in a fashion that abides by the latest COVID guidelines from the state, the latest on a possible ad hoc committee to review the management contracts, and a deep cleaning of the Chester Room.


Finally, we have coming in our Quarterly Newsletter a full length feature on boating safety, but there are some classes being offered that we wanted to let you know of ahead of that: 


If you are in need of a Certificate of Boating Safety Education (required for all Maryland boaters born after July 1, 1972) you may wish to take advantage of the 3-session virtual Zoom classes being offered by the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum.  The next series of classes will be offered on May 26, June 2 and June 9.    Cost of the series is $25 for non-members, with a 20% discount for members.  You can register on their website,  For more information about Maryland’s requirement for boater safety education, go to


You can find the minutes of BOD and committee meetings at the link below.  If you clicked the link below and are prompted for a login you may have to log in first and then click the link again.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on these office communications, please contact [email protected]



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