Clubhouse COMAR Renovation Update and Notice

Date: November 05, 2021
Subject: Clubhouse COMAR Renovation Update and Notice

Hello Queens Landing,



We have awarded the clubhouse COMAR project to a local contractor, Harper and Son, and met with them to review the project schedule. The clubhouse will close on Monday November 16th with the exception of the lobby area, which will continue to operate under the current hourly schedule for as long as possible. The restrooms will be demolished early on based on the current construction schedule and may necessitate some form of remote working.  We will keep you informed of any operational changes as we go.


We will post the project schedule on the portal in the Community Information/Property Information/ Pool Security COMAR project Section. The project will begin with demolition and as such warrants the closure.   The schedule will have some modifications according to weather and supply chain issues or improvements, but at present, the project is scheduled to conclude in February 2022.


Thank you for your patience and enjoy the up-and-coming holidays.





Reg Overman III

VP QLCOUO Board of Directors


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