2022 Pool Season – Dates and Pool Passes

Date: April 08, 2022
Subject: 2022 Pool Season – Dates and Pool Passes

The pool season for 2022 is as follows:


May 28 – September 5:
Monday – Friday: 11:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday, Sunday, Holidays: 10:00am – 8:00pm

September 10 – 11: 10:00am – 6:00pm

Pool hours while public school is in session: Fall
Monday – Friday: 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Saturday, Sunday and Holiday: Regular Hours


Queen’s Landing will once again be using SwimmingPoolPasses.com to create and issue your 2022 Photo ID Pool Passes. We have simplified the pool pass application, however, all passes are reviewed by management staff to include verification you are current with all dues and/or special assessments, that you have no outstanding violations, that vehicles have decals, etc.  If you rent out your unit, in addition to the previously mentioned items, we will verify that all required documents have been submitted, lease expiration dates updated, portal account set up, etc.  If your pool pass application has been denied you will be notified of the reason for the denial.


Completing the Application

Before logging in to apply for your pool pass, please make sure you have your QL Vehicle Window Decal numbers available and your emergency contact’s information.  For the photo required, you have the option of uploading a photo for each application (person) when completing the online form or you can use the Photo Tool on the site itself.  Photos must be a color photo taken in the last 12 months and it must be a clear image of your face as a full-face view – no profile photos, no hats and no face coverings.  Please do not use filters commonly used on social media. Once you have all the required information, click on the following link: 2022 Pool Passes


Receiving Your Passes

Resident pool passes (including two guest passes) will be mailed to you.  Please do not procrastinate as you will not be able to access the pool area without your Official Swimming Pool Pass.  The office does not have the ability to issue temporary passes and the guards cannot grant access to anyone without their Swimming Pool Pass Photo ID.  This process may take one to two weeks for you to receive your passes in the mail, so apply today!


Guest Passes

If you are approved to receive pool passes you will also receive two (2) guest passes that are good for the entire pool season as long as the unit owner and/or renter remains in good standing. A maximum of three (3) additional guest passes per day can be purchased at a fee of $1.00 per pass for weekdays and $3.00 per pass for weekends & holidays.  Starting May 26 you will be able to purchase additional guest passes by visiting the Queen’s Landing Website and completing the Pool Guest Pass form. You do not pay for the guest passes at the time of completing the form, but instead the unit owner account will be billed for any and all of the guest passes ordered at the end of the pool season.  The purchased guest passes are not transferrable and are only good for the guest and dates you enter. All sales are final. If your guest does not show up, you do not get a refund or the ability to transfer to a different date. If you are an investment owner and your renter will be moving out prior to the end of the pool season you are responsible for reaching out to the onsite management office to obtain a final invoice for the passes your renter may have purchased up to that point.  Purchased guest passes will be emailed to you.  You can either print them out or simply show the email to the lifeguard.

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