Committee Volunteers Needed – Volunteer Today!

Date: October 19, 2022
Subject: Committee Volunteers Needed – Volunteer Today!
Hello Queen’s Landing,
The Annual Meeting has come and gone, it is a new Board year and it is time for the annual call for volunteers to join the various committees!
This call for volunteers is for owners and renters as there are three committees that renters have always been allowed and encouraged to join. Those three committees are the Landscape Sub-Committee; the Social Committee; and the Newsletter, Website and Community Relations Committee. So if you are a renter and would like to join one of these three committees as a non-voting member you are encouraged to do so.
Attached to this notice is a fillable Committee Volunteer Form. If you served on a committee last year and would like to continue on that committee, simply complete the top of the form and indicate you served on that committee this past year by answering the question regarding past service yes and then skip to the signature line; otherwise, please complete the entire form.  Please send in your completed form to [email protected].
Concerned you can’t get away from work for a meeting or don’t know how you can help? Keep in mind that you can attend meetings via video or teleconference and while some committees may benefit more than others from volunteers with special skill sets most just need volunteers that are enthusiastic and active.
Standing Committees
Budget & Finance Committee
To assist the Board of Directors in development, oversight and maintenance of the Association financial affairs. This committee meets on average four times a year starting around March of each year.
Reserve Committee (Budget & Finance Subcommittee)
To assist the Budget & Finance Committee conduct a comprehensive review of the prepared reserve study as needed to repair, replace, restore, or maintain common area components of the association.  This committee meets on average five times a year.
Covenants Committee
To assist the Board of Directors in development, oversight and enforcement of the Declaration, Bylaws, Rules & Regulations and Policies that control the design, appearance, use and enjoyment of the community. This committee also reviews Architectural Change Request applications.  This committee meets once per month and therefore averages twelve meetings per year.
Election Committee
To assist the Board of Directors to canvas Unit Owners to serve on the Board of Directors of the Association and provide the Managing Agent a standard format for resumes for all candidates for Board of Directors vacancies, and ensure that the Managing Agent provides Unit Owners with resumes for all candidates seeking election to the Board of Directors in accordance with the scheduled timeframe.  This committee meets an average of three times from August to September.
Insurance & Claims Committee
To assist the Board of Directors in development, oversight and maintenance of the Association’s existing and future insurance policies to ensure that they adequately insure all relevant properties, conform with all applicable requirements set forth in Article 6 of the Queen’s Landing Council of Unit Owners By-Laws that they represent the best value for the community, and to assist the board with handling claims against those policies, including limiting financial losses to the Association and evaluating claims against the Association by unit owners in excess of HOA-6 insurance requirements. This committee meets as needed and averages four meetings per year.

Long Range Planning Committee
To assist the Board of Directors in the analysis of issues which impact the long range vision of general welfare of the community. This committee meets as necessary and averages six meetings per year.
Maintenance Committee
To assist the Board of Directors in development, oversight and maintenance of plans and procedures that will maintain the buildings, structures, grounds and landscaping of Queen’s Landing. This committee meets monthly and, therefore, averages twelve meetings per year.
Landscaping & Grounds(Maintenance Subcommittee)
To assist the Maintenance Committee monitor the performance of the landscape contractor for quality of work performed and adherence to the contract requirements and standards, and work with the landscape contractor to resolve any such deficiencies. This committee meets monthly and, therefore, averages twelve meetings per year. 
Clubhouse and Pool Operations(Maintenance Subcommittee)
To assist the Maintenance Committee in the operation of the clubhouse with regards to maintenance and pool management.  This committee will most likely meet at least six times a year.
Newsletter, Website & Community Relations
To assist the Board of Directors in development, oversight and maintenance of policies and procedures that provide pertinent information about the Queen’s Landing community, including maintenance and safety related issues, social events, and other community news of interest to members of the Council of Unit Owners. This committee meets as needed and averages six times per year.
Social Committee
To assist the Board of Directors in the development of social events utilizing the recreational facilities of the Community and to encourage community participation by all Unit Owners, Residents and Tenants in the Association social affairs. This committee meets as needed to plan events and has approximately ten meetings per year.
Ad Hoc Committees (Ad Hoc Committees are created for a particular purpose and are only active until project is complete)
Documentation Committee

To assist the Covenants Committee in development, oversight and maintenance of the Queen’s Landing Declaration, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, Resolutions and Policies, that are accurate, current, meet the needs of the community, and adhere to Maryland Condominium Law as amended. This committee meets as needed and averages six times per year.

Polybutylene Pipe Ad Hoc Committee
To assist the Board of Directors in ensuring all units have complied with the requirement to provide proof no polybutylene exists in the unit by January 31, 2023.  This committee is an Ad Hoc committee that will only exist until the project is completed.  This committee meets an average of three times per year.
Please submit your completed form to [email protected] no later than November 1st for immediate consideration keeping in mind that you can ask to be considered at ANY time throughout the year. You can also pick up or return a completed volunteer form at the QL office.
Be an active part of your community… Volunteer Today!

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