BOD Recap January 2023

Date: January 17, 2023
Subject: BOD Recap January 2023

First up is dryer vents.   This is one of the leading causes of residential fires and for that reason the Maryland Condominium Act takes cleaning them very seriously.   A fire in your unit could quickly become a fire in your building.   The Board and the office have been very active in enforcing this with the violations policy outlined in our documentation and offending homeowners are being fined without exception.   Last night the Board was unanimous in approving a number of fines and rejected the request of one unit owner to have theirs waived.   The Board was unanimous in their desire to be consistent and fair to all unit owners.


Second is polybutylene pipe.   The presence of polybutylene pipe exposes the entire QL community to higher insurance premiums and tens of thousands in losses each year.   The deadline to be in compliance with the rules was the end of last month and fining for not being in compliance will begin at the end of this month.   Of the 349 units in Queen’s Landing, we are down to just 34 that are not in compliance.  


Under committee reports, several committees are still looking for volunteers such as Insurance and Long Range Planning.


Under Old Business, Rick gave a report on last year’s Social Committee activities and budget.


Finally the Board liaison from the Marina Board which is Reg Overman gave a report from their Annual Meeting in December, and this will be included in the published Board minutes for January.


Thanks and we look forward to next month!

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