Asphalt Patch Repair Work August 14th – August 17th – MAP/SCHEDULE ATTACHED

Date: August 08, 2023
Subject: Asphalt Patch Repair Work August 14th – August 17th – MAP/SCHEDULE ATTACHED
Good Afternoon QL,
There are several areas throughout the community that need asphalt patch work completed. This work will begin on Monday, August 14th and will continue through Thursday, August 17th (Friday, August 18th if necessary as this work is weather dependent).  A map indicating the general locations where repair work will be completed is attached to this message for your use and information.  Please note that while the highlighted areas makes it appear entire sections of the street is being replaced, this is not the case. The contractor will be onsite tomorrow, August 9th, to mark the pavement indicating the exact areas in those locations where work will be completed. The highlighted colors on the map indicate the days work will be completed. 
Please take a moment to look at the map to see if the area you normally park requires you to back out over one of the areas to be patched. If it is, please make arrangements to park your vehicle in one of the overflow parking areas where no work is being done that day and please do so no later than 6:00 am the morning of the day work is to be completed.  Park a minimum of 2 stalls away from any areas marked for replacement.  Any vehicle parked in an unacceptable area may be towed at vehicle owner expense.  Please note, neither the contractor, nor the Association, is responsible for any damage to vehicles left in an unacceptable area.
Please note that access to some buildings/units will be a bit of a challenge the day work is scheduled to be completed in certain areas, such as Queen Guinevere, Queen Anne Way and Queen Mary Court but residents should be able to drive around or carefully through the patch areas if you absolutely MUST mobilize your cars, however, you should plan to avoid traveling in and out of these areas during the time the work is being completed, if at all possible.  Also, please notify any home services or guests you may be expecting next week of the work to be completed.
Curbside trash services will not be interrupted next week so please do still put your bags out curbside on Sunday and Thursday evening as normal.
Thank you,
Tammy Eaton
On-Site Community Association Manager
Queen’s Landing CUO
500 Queen’s Landing Drive
Chester, MD  21619
[email protected]
O: 410-643-5192  F:410-604-2712

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