OWNER ACTION REQUIRED! Please set up new payment account, vote, and proxy

Dear QL Neighbors,

I know much is going on right now, but I urge you to

  • Please set up your new QL dues payment method.  Nothing transfers to the new system automatically.  YOU MUST TAKE ACTION.  I am attaching the instructions from our new management company, FirstService Residential.
  • Please cast your vote for QLCUO Board seats.  Look for the email sent on 9/25/24 to one owner per household from [email protected].
  • If there is any chance you will not be attending the QLCUO Annual Meeting on October 15, 2024, please complete a proxy form (which you can download from SimplyVoting when you are casting your ballot, or can be picked up from the front desk at the Clubhouse).

Thank you so much,

Be well,


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