Committee Volunteers Needed – Volunteer Today!

Date: October 18, 2021
Subject: Committee Volunteers Needed – Volunteer Today!
Queen’s Landing,
It’s that time of year again, volunteers are needed to join the various committees!
This call for volunteers is for owners and renters as there are three committees that renters have always been allowed and encouraged to join. Those three committees are the Landscape Sub-Committee; the Clubhouse Operations and Social Committee; and the Newsletter, Website and Community Relations Committee. So if you are a renter and would like to join one of these three committees as a non-voting member you are encouraged to do so.
Attached to this notice is a fillable Committee Volunteer Form. If you served on a committee last year and would like to continue on that committee, simply complete the top of the form and add the note you served on the committee the previous year otherwise complete the entire form. Please send in your completed form to [email protected].  Concerned you can’t get away from work for a meeting or don’t know how you can help? Keep in mind that you can attend meetings via video or teleconference and while some committees may benefit more than others from volunteers with special skill sets most just need volunteers that are enthusiastic and active.
Standing Committees
Budget & Finance Committee
Chair: Jaci Hendricks

Clubhouse Operations & Social Committee
Chair: Rick Baamonde

Covenants Committee
Chair: Margery Bergsman
Election Committee
Chair: Tito Sandin
Insurance & Claims Committee
Chair: Tito Sandin
Long Range Planning Committee
Chair: Tom Lindsay

Maintenance Committee
Chair: Bob Karnei

Landscaping & Grounds – Maintenance Subcommittee
Chair: Reg Overman
Newsletter, Website & Community Relations
Chair: Mike Rabinowitz
Long Range Planning Committee
Chair: Tom Lindsey
Ad Hoc Committees
Polybutylene Pipe Ad Hoc Committee
Chair: Mike Rabinowitz
Pool/Clubhouse  – COMAR
Chair: Reg Overman
Reserve Ad Hoc Committee
Chair: Jaci Hendricks
Please submit your completed form to [email protected] no later than November 1st for immediate consideration keeping in mind that you can ask to be considered at ANY time throughout the year. You can also pick up or return a completed volunteer form at the QL office.
Be an active part of your community… Volunteer Today!

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