Reminder -Hose Bibs/Trash and Recycling/Dryer Vents

Date: November 12, 2021
Subject: Reminder -Hose Bibs/Trash and Recycling/Dryer Vents

Hose bibs

Hose bibs must be shut off immediately!

Just a reminder to residents that hose bibs must be shut off immediately.  Maintenance has started installing the hose bib covers.

Per QL Rules & Regs:

2.13 (h) Water pressure to outside hose bibs must be shut off, and hoses disconnected and drained by residents no later than November 1 of each year and remain shut off until March 31. Landlords shall notify and ensure that their tenants comply with this section. If not in compliance, the unit owner or his/her tenant responsible for damaging the unit or neighboring units, limited common elements and/or common elements will be responsible for the damage in accordance with the Queen’s Landing governing documents and the Maryland Condominium Act.

It’s that time again – time to prepare your condo for winter. Below, I have outlined two items to attend to by November 1st as well as some additional information of what to do during freezing temperatures or if you are going to be away for an extended period of time and other maintenance items you should complete inside your unit.


  • BY NOVEMBER 1 – Please turn off the water to your outside hose bibs from the inside shut off; remove any hoses that are attached; drain the water that may be in the line and leave the faucet open. This is very important to avoid frozen pipes and to allow Maintenance to start installing faucet protectors on the hose bibs next week. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHERE THE SHUT OFF VALVE IS LOCATED, ARE OUT OF TOWN AND DID NOT TURN OFF THE EXTERIOR HOSE BIB VALVE BEFORE LEAVING OR YOU ARE HAVING A HARD TIME TURNING THE VALVE OFF PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!  We will send someone over to assist you.
  • Identify the location for the main water shutoff in your home. Find out how it works in case you have to use it and make sure everyone in your family knows where the water shutoff valve is and how to open and close it. If you have a fire protection sprinkler system in your unit make sure you know what valve that is as this is a separate valve from the main and the fire suppression system MUST BE LEFT ON!  We recommend you mark that valve as the fire suppression system.  If you need assistance with this, please contact the office.

Trash and Recycling Rules

A number of unit owners are not aware or abiding by the Rules of the Association as it pertains to our trash/recycling procedures.  By not following the trash and recycling rules, Queens Landing is being charged extra money to handle and dispose of this trash. 


We are continuing our practice of issuing violations to homeowners who have been identified by our security cameras and key fob records, see pictures below.  The trash and recycling contractor will bill us for this additional work and this will be passed on to the homeowners who committed these violations.


Please note the following rules and save yourself a violation and extra cost of disposing of this trash.


Trash should be placed at the curb after dusk the night before pick-up in securely tied, heavy-duty plastic bags only (NOT in cans). If trash is placed out any earlier, you are in violation of the Rules and Regulations.

28 ADDITIONAL TRASH TOTERS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE MAINTENANCE SHED AREA. Place your household trash inside the containers in securely tied heavy duty trash bags not on the ground. This area is for household trash only.

Large items such as sofas, TVs, vacuum cleaners, mattresses etc. must be taken to one of Queen Anne’s County Transfer Stations (dump) by the unit owner.


2 Single stream recycle dumpsters are available at the Queen’s Landing Maintenance Shed. All your recyclables can be placed together in the same container. Plastic bags CANNOT be disposed of in the Recycle bins; items must be placed loosely in containers. Cardboard boxes must be broken down to conserve space and no residue left in food containters.

Acceptable items include:
• Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, and junk mail
• Cardboard and paperboard boxes (please flatten)
• Books
• Paper, Brown paper bags
• Glass food and beverage containers
• Cans
• Aluminum foil and pie pans
• Narrow-neck plastic containers numbers 1 through 7
• Wide mouth containers such as peanut butter, cottage cheese, margarine, and yogurt- cleaned
• Aseptic/gable top milk and juice cartons
• Aerosol cans

These items are not acceptable:
• Any Plastic shopping or trash bags
• Household trash, yard waste, wood
• Items with food debris – ex: pizza boxes
• Batteries
• Styrofoam
• Glass, light bulbs, mirrors, window glass, drinking glasses, ceramics, baking dishes
• Coat hangers
• Household items such as toasters, electronics, appliances, vacuum cleaners
• Hazardous or toxic substances or those containing these substances – oil, gasoline, paint cans with wet paint


Dryer Vents

Per the Rules & Regulations 2.13 (n) All units must have their dryer vents cleaned at least once a year.  


Once you have your dryer vent serviced by a qualified dryer vent company you will need to provide the office proof of payment/completion so that we may note that your unit has had its annual cleaning.  You can either email us a copy at [email protected] or place a copy in the drop box.  If you are facing front door of the clubhouse the drop box is on the right side of the door.    


If you have a ventless dryer you will need to provide the office the information including a photo of set up in your unit to be included in your owner file.  If you previously notified the office, you have a ventless dryer you will need to contact the office to confirm that you still are utilizing a ventless dryer.


Violations for noncompliance will be sent out.  Homeowners with violations may lose access to amenities such as the pool, clubhouse, gym, and tennis courts.

The following vendors have done dryer vent cleaning in the community:

Dryer Vent Wizard

(443) 261-3366


Old Line Chimney Sweep

(410) 360-3311


Pajon Construction



Trippett Contracting



Service Today

(800) 659-2273


Lowe’s Air Duct Cleaning

(410) 774-1478


Please note:  We are providing this list for your convenience only.  QL is not endorsing any vendors and recommends for homeowners to complete their own vetting process.



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