Commercial Vehicles & Vehicles with Commercial Signage – Is This Your Vehicle?

Date: April 25, 2022
Subject: Commercial Vehicles & Vehicles with Commercial Signage – Is This Your Vehicle?
Hello Queen’s Landing,
Is one of these vehicles your’s?
If you can help identify the drivers/unit addresses for these three vehicles that are and have been consistently parked overnight, or, if you are the driver/owner of one of these vehicles please contact the office via email at office@  The Weller vehicle (Bldg 9) needs to be registered with the office and the vehicle covered when parked overnight as does the FedEX Van (Bldg 32).  The Miller van (Bldg 32) with ladders needs to be registered with the office and the vehicle covered when parked overnight, however, even when covered you cannot be parked overnight with the ladders in place.  If the vehicle does not belong to a resident but is a guest of a resident they need to display guest passes which can be obtained from the office and they still must follow the rules for covering and removal of ladders.  Please know these vehicles will be tagged for towing if the issue is not remedied.
As a reminder to all, QL’s Rules & Regs regarding commercial vehicles state:
2.8. Vehicles
(a) Owners, tenants or residents who park in Queen’s Landing must register their vehicles at the clubhouse office and display a Queen’s Landing parking sticker on the front windshield.
(b) Approved residential vehicles include conventional passenger vehicles, SUV’s, noncommercial pickup trucks, vans (not to include camper or extended vans), and motorcycles.
(e) Commercial vehicles other than delivery, moving, or contractor vehicles, are prohibited to park at Queen’s Landing overnight and are subject to fines and/or towing at unit owner’s expense.
(f) Vehicles may not display commercial signage of any type. Vehicles with commercial signage may be towed unless the vehicle or signage is covered by an appropriate cover.
(h) With the exception of contractors working on the Property, vehicles may not store ladders or other commercial items on the vehicle while parked in Queen’s Landing.

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