Happy Hour This Friday and More Social Events Coming!

Date: May 03, 2022
Subject: Happy Hour This Friday and More Social Events Coming!



Next Friday is Happy Hour. As mentioned previously, it will be held at Cult Classic Brewery and start at 6 PM. At 7:30, after we’ve all had a chance to meet, eat, drink, etc., many of us will head into the stage area of the brewery to see a concert by The Crystal Casino Band, featuring the son of Board Member Jaci Hendricks. We’d love to see a big show of support. To attend the concert you need to by tickets at the door, or you can prepurchase them here: https://www.simpletix.com/e/crystal-casino-band-3whiteguys-tickets-103824

Also, we would like to get out early notice on a new Summer Clinic we will host this year! On Saturday, June 18th, from 9 to 11 AM, Dave Tolbert, Owner of Island Tackle Outfitters, will present a FREE Fishing Clinic. It will start in the Chester Room where Dave will discuss the types of fish in the area and when the season starts for each, as well as what licenses, gear, bait, etc. you might need for each. Then he will take the class to the river an do a demonstration of how to fish off the rocks. He may also offer some form of discounts on attendees who use his shop afterwards. If you ever wanted to learn to fish, this is your chance! We hope to see a large turnout. Please sign up early, here: 

https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040549A5AA23A6FB6-free. See attached flier for more details.


We will soon release information on other clinics, including Pickleball, Kayaking, and Stand-Up (SUP) Surfboarding…



-The COSC Team

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