Dryer Vent Cleaning for 2022 – MUST BE COMPLETED BY DECEMBER 31

Date: October 13, 2022
Subject: Dryer Vent Cleaning for 2022 – MUST BE COMPLETED BY DECEMBER 31

Good Afternoon Queen’s Landing,

This is a general broadcast message sent to all residents in Queen’s Landing as a reminder that per the Rules & Regulations 2.13 (n) All units must have their dryer vents cleaned at least once a year.

Many of you have taken the initiative to have your dryer vents cleaned for 2022 and provided the proof to the management office already, so, thank you for being proactive and getting this done.  For everyone else, this is a second reminder that this needs to be completed no later than December 31, 2022.  If you are not sure who you used in 2021 and you would like to use them again you can view this information on the portal.  Simply log on to your portal account at www.tidewaterproperty.com and once logged in go to “My Account” and then “Manage Account” and click the tab titled “Additional Information” and scroll down to the “Dryer Vent” section.

Once you have your dryer vent serviced by a qualified dryer vent company you will need to provide the office proof of payment/completion so that we may note that your unit has had its annual cleaning.  You can either email us a copy at office@ or place a copy in the drop box located to the right of the front entrance of the clubhouse.

If you have a ventless dryer you will need to provide the office the manufacturer and model information and include a photo of the dryer set up in your unit to be included in your owner file.  If you previously notified the office, you have a ventless dryer you will need to resubmit the information, confirming that you are still utilizing a ventless dryer.

The vendors listed below have done dryer vent cleaning in the community. ​​​​​​Please note, we are providing this list for your convenience only. QL is not endorsing any vendors and recommends for homeowners to complete their own vetting process.

All-Brite 410-827-3822

JC Warner 410-758-2278

Lowe’s Air Duct Cleaning (410) 774-1478

Old Line Chimney Sweep (this company will do 2nd story vents) 410-360-3311

Service Today 800-659-2273

If you have any questions regarding this requirement or you have an issue with your dryer vent that needs correcting before cleaning can be done, please contact the office at 410-643-5192 or via email at office@

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