Monthly: BOD Recap August 2023

Date: August 22, 2023
Subject: Monthly: BOD Recap August 2023

Hello Queen’s Landing and welcome to your August Board meeting recap.

We will start with the end of the meeting, which was a discussion of the proposals for the budget next year.  This is ultimately a decision that is not voted on until October’s meeting, but a rumor turned out a larger crowd than our usual 4 or 5 attendees and a lot of questions and comments.  Rather than try to address everything here, we are preparing a longer series of emails to get out to the community.  We may get the first one out later today or tomorrow.

The other main event covered in this meeting was the unanimous passing vote to renew our Master Insurance policy.

In his President’s address and elsewhere, Bob mentioned that the Asphalt renewal efforts were a success and that our Annual Election for Board seats is upcoming, of which there are four seats available and we do really need volunteers, both for the Board and for the committees.   Bob also mentioned that the plumbing inspection checklist is not complete, and we may yet decide to hold off on the first year’s plumbing inspections until 2024.

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