Date: September 07, 2023
Subject: End of Season BBQ Cancelled
Subject: End of Season BBQ Cancelled
The End of Year BBQ has been cancelled.
The Social Committee is tasked with sponsoring events that residents can enjoy with family and friends, giving everyone a chance to meet your neighbors and maybe even make some new friends. It is a proven fact that community events help to build a stronger community. These events are all volunteer based and, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer volunteers to help put these events on. None of these events should be a hardship for the few that do volunteer over and over. Some of the events are less work than others and even allow for the volunteers to enjoy the event a little themselves, while others, such as the End of Year BBQ comes down to 4 or 5 people catering to 100 people. Purchasing the food, prepping, grilling, cleaning up, etc. That is not what these events are or should be about.
Last week a call for volunteers for the various committees was sent out. We received one completed form and an email from an owner expressing interest but no volunteer form yet submitted. Last month the notice for Board candidates was sent out for the four open positions. We have received three. This despite the notices posted throughout the community asking, “If not you, Who? If not now, When?” and a QR code provided to make the process easier. The deadline for submitting your candidacy is this Sunday, September 10. If we do not get at least a fourth candidate, a fourth person will be appointed – assuming we can find someone who will agree to serve So, the Social Committee wishes to say thank you to those that have stepped up in the past to help with the End of Year BBQ and other events, but this year, our end of year celebration will be to simply enjoy the end of summer – and that goes for all of us.
Thank you,
Bob Karnei
Queen’s Landing BOD President and Social Committe Chair