IMPORTANT – Asphalt Rejuvenation to Start September 25

Date: September 12, 2023
Subject: IMPORTANT – Asphalt Rejuvenation to Start September 25
Hello Queen’s Landing Resident,
Map of Overflow Parking Areas and Allowable Areas for Parking
Map and Treatment Schedule
Resident Checklist
Starting on Monday, September 25th through Thursday, September 28th, Total Asphalt will be doing the asphalt rejuvenation project on the streets and clubhouse parking lot in Queen’s Landing. These dates are weather permitting. Should inclement weather occur, only the day(s) interrupted will be rescheduled on the next available date. Notices will be sent out if this should happen.
During the asphalt rejuvenation project, we ask that residents and guests park in overflow parking in areas not being done that day or the sections of the clubhouse parking lot that is not being done that day. Do not park in the grass. If a vehicle is parked in an area that is being treated that day, or on the grass, it will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense per Queen’s Landing’s Rules & Regulations so please make sure to move your vehicle out of any area being treated before 7 am the day of treatment.  Per QAC Roads, parking along Captains Way, Skipper Lane and Anchor Lane is permitted during the time road work is being completed in QL. The County asks the residents of Queens Landing do their best to park in a manner that does not cause a sight distance issue or block any driveways, intersections or mailboxes.
The map and treatment schedule shown below and attached to this notice for your use and information is also posted on the QL website at and next week we will be placing door hangers on each unit to ensure the word is getting out to the community.  Owners with tenants, please make sure your tenant has been provided this information.
Things to Note:
  1. All areas will be shut down entirely during treatment and dry time. Please note, traffic in and out during the treatment process is problematic. Exceptions will be made only for US mail and emergency vehicles.
  2. Most areas will reopen approximately 6 to 8 hours from the time treatment has begun.
  3. NO driving on treated areas until they are fully opened and approved by Total Asphalt.
  4. Roads will be opened when safe for traffic. However, depending on vehicle size, weight, and tire composition, tracking may still occur.
  5. The material used for this project is an oil product that is slick when first applied. Bicycles, scooters, mopeds, and other two-wheeled vehicles are susceptible to slipping on newly treated areas. Bikes, scooters, mopeds, and the like, are to stay off treated areas for 24 to 48 hours.
  6. No construction vehicles/trucks are permitted in areas being treated each day.
  7. No sprinklers – they must be turned off the day before and no landscaping in areas to be treated each respective day.
  8. Traffic control will be utilized throughout the entire community to direct residents, contractors, and visitors as needed.
  9. Avoid riding or walking on the newly treated surface during the time that any area is being rejuvenated because the product will track.  This particular product can be cleaned with soap and water as long as it is addressed immediately, however, there is no guarantee tracking will not occur or not be permanent. Neither the Association nor the Contractor is responsible for paving product that is tracked to other areas including your vehicle or home.
Deliveries such as FedEx, UPS, etc. on the day of the scheduled treatment may continue as scheduled; however, please reschedule larger deliveries that require larger delivery vehicles – furniture, appliances, etc. Please note that some deliveries may be held up due to timing of treatment and location. The contractor’s staff will be directing traffic, including those coming in with the deliveries.
Regular mail delivery on the day(s) of treatment can take place. However, depending on the time of treatment and location, that section of road may be held up.
Signs will be posted at all entrances to the community informing residents and guests of the project, however, please help make this project a success by informing your anticipated guests or any contractors you may employ such as cleaning companies, caregivers, appliance deliveries, etc. of the project so that everyone is aware and to prevent surprises when trying to reach or leave your home. Attached is a “Resident Check List” that will aid as a reminder of those you may need to notify.
Chester River Landscaping has been advised of the project and schedule and will be adjusting their services accordingly. As grass clippings or other debris cannot be present on the roads, maintenance service, including mowing, will not be completed during the week street work is being done.
Republic Services (Trash) has been advised of the project and the Monday trash pick up will be completed prior to 8 am so there will be no interruption in this service on that day.  While street work is not scheduled for Friday due to the way the trash truck has to maneuver through certain areas of the community (turning wheels while at a stop to turn around or sharp turns) which may cause damage the first 48 hours after application, curbside service will NOT be available for residents on Queen Guinevere Way, Queen Neva Court, Queen Caroline Court, Queen Catherine Way and Queen Mary Court on Friday. For those residents, please take your trash to the trash cans located at the maintenance area off of Queen’s Landing Drive.  The Wednesday service to empty the recycle container will not occur so please be mindful of this fact.
Thank you,
Tammy Eaton
On-Site Community Association Manager
Queen’s Landing CUO
500 Queen’s Landing Drive
Chester, MD  21619
O: 410-643-5192  F:410-604-2712

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