Board of Elections Voting Started Monday! FAQs and Other Info

Date: September 29, 2023
Subject: Board of Elections Voting Started Monday! FAQs and Other Info

This year’s elections are again being managed by SimplyVoting making this the fourth year in a row utilizing their services.  Below is information you may find useful in voting in this year’s elections.


PLEASE VOTEIt is important that you vote even though there are 4 candidates on the ballot and 4 positions open as terms will be determined by number of votes received.


PLEASE COMPLETE THE PROXY – Proxies are for quorum purposes only. If you will not be attending the meeting in person (at the clubhouse or via video/teleconference) you must print out and complete the proxy and turn in to the management office.  If we do not meet quorum we will not be able to do any business of the Council of Unit Owners including the election for Board Members. So, please, if not attending the meeting complete your proxy today and turn it in! The link for the proxy is in your ballot. 


Owners listed as the primary owner on the Tidewater Portal received an email from SimplyVoting on Monday, September 25 that included instructions on voting and your unique identifier log in information.  Please remember, only one email per unit will be received as it is one vote per unit. If you own more than one unit you will receive a separate email for each unit that will contain a unique identifier for that unit. You must open each email and click the link in the email to exercise all of your votes.


If you are one of the very few owners who currently does not accept Association correspondence via email we do encourage you to reconsider this choice and move to receiving information via email, however, your information has been mailed out to you.



Voting started September 25, 2023 and ends October 13, 2023 at 7 pm



Simply Voting

Simply Voting is a full-service provider of the most secure and cost-effective, hosted online elections.  If after reading all of the information contained in this notice you still have questions or need additional assistance, we have set up an election committee email at [email protected] for you to submit those questions.

How will I know it’s from QL and valid?  The unit owner will receive an email from the website  The email will come from the email address [email protected] so please add that email address to your safe sender list.

How will we receive our ballot?  Email Blast feature is used to send out a mass email containing a linto thballot awell auniquesecurauthentication credentials to eaceligible voter.

What do I need to do to ensure my email is correct?  Login in to the Tidewater Portal and go to My Account, manage account and the email is the first line and verify your email.  Make sure the box is checked to receive emails.  If you have been getting emails from Tidewater that is the email which will be used.

What if I don’t receive an email?  First check your spam email.  If not there contact the election email so we can verify the email address on file and loaded into Simply Voting. 

What if I delete my email in error?  Email [email protected] so one can be resent.

Are nominations allowed from the floor the night of the meeting? Nominations are allowed from the floor, however, the person being nominated would have to be present in order to confirm willingness to accept the nomination.

What about the proxy? The proxy counts towards quorum for the annual meeting to be held.  So if a unit owner cannot attend the Annual Meeting they can assign someone to be their proxy so that your unit can be counted towards quorum. Again, this is for quorum only so that we can hold the annual meeting and have the elections.  Your proxy does not give anyone the right to vote for a Board Member – only the owner can vote.  The link for the proxy form is available on the ballot online.

Once I vote and confirm it, can I change it?  No once you vote, your ballot is cast you will be blocked from voting again.  You will be issued a receipt with a receipt code once you have confirmed your vote.

How will I see the candidate’s resume to decide?  Once you follow the link to the website, the candidates and their resume will be available to review.  You do not have to vote once you login as you can visit the website many times to review.  However once you cast your ballot and confirm, you will be blocked and won’t be able to vote again.

How are the ballots maintained?  Once a voter submits a ballot, the results are encrypted and kept anonymous.  Once the results are published you will be able to see your vote by your receipt code and choices.

How long do I have to vote?  Voting time limits are set by our bylaws.  The voting will open on September 25 and continue for a short period of time after the call to order for the annual meeting in order to allow nominations from the floor.

What if I don’t have a way to vote electronically? Please contact the office so that we can set up a time to allow you to submit your private vote.

What happens when the voting ends?  Once voting has ended the results are immediately tabulated. They will be downloaded and the report will then be provided to the Board Secretary who will announce the results at the Annual Meeting. Also, an Annual Meeting Recap broadcast message will be sent out no later than October 18 and will include the election results as well.

Certified Results-

Trust is an important advantage of having the experts power your election. With the security of an independently managed server and service, unit owners can rest assured that their votes will be counted properly. Simply Voting will display a certified by SimplyVoting seal on your published results. On request, we also provide a Letters of Certification attesting to the validity of your results.

Please note:

TopNotch Security

Simply Voting wadesignefrom thgrounduteliminate thrisk of electoral frauor breach osecrecy:

  • Voterwho bypass authentication or have alreadvoted are denied access tthe ballot.
  • Onevoteper-voter iguaranteed by marking electors as voted and storinthe votin a singltransaction. Even if a voter submitthe ballot simultaneously on several devices, thitechnology guarantees that only one votis accepted.
  • Ballots arrigorously checked for validity before being accepted.
  • All administrator and voter activitiloggewittimestamp anIP address.
  • Communication between the voter‘s computer and our websitis encrypted witTLS 1.and strong cipher suites to protect against current and future encryption attacks.
  • The entire voting system database iencrypted at rest usinAES256 encryption.

Should you have further questions, please email [email protected] so that we can resolve any issues you may have.  Valid election information will ONLY come from Tidewater Property Management, the election committee at [email protected] or SimplyVoting.  Information received from any other source is not official information and should not be viewed as such.

Thank You,

Elections Committee

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