Subject: Monthly: BOD Recap September 2023
Hello Queen’s Landing and welcome to your September Board meeting recap.
Last night the Board met and the President’s message stressed that the community be aware of the asphalt rejuvenation happening next week, starting on Monday, September 25th through Thursday, September 28th. Please do go back and look at your emails from the office to see when you have to move your car. This is a critical action for you to take to avoid being towed so that the work can proceed.
The other main business on the agenda were two motions.
The first was which budget proposal to bring to the Annual Meeting for a final vote. There were four options, none of which found an immediate majority. After some discussion, a hybrid of the presented options was agreed to which would include a 25K increase in reserve funding in 2024 as well as funding for a fulltime administrative position in the office, which will come to roughly a $17/month increase in dues in 2024 for the majority of units in the community. The smaller units of course have a slightly lesser increase. This passed 7-1.
The second motion was to push the due date back for plumbing inspections to the end of 2024. This passed unanimously.
Some important upcoming dates:
09/25/2023 - Electronic Voting Opens (Voting Managed by Simply Voting)
09/26/2023 - Meet the Candidates Forum, join us at the clubhouse or online
10/13/2023 - Voting Ends at 7:00 pm
10/13/2023 - Annual Meeting