Honda Civic License Plate 2FP0375 in Clubhouse Parking To Be Towed – CALL THE OFFICE

Date: September 25, 2023
Subject: Honda Civic License Plate 2FP0375 in Clubhouse Parking To Be Towed – CALL THE OFFICE
Good Morning Queen’s Landing,
We have a Silver Honda Civic, License Plate 2FP0375 parked in the clubhouse parking lot that needs to be moved to allow for the asphalt rejuvenation of that half of the parking lot to be completed this morning.  Please contact the office to let us know it has been moved and to register your vehicle.

Thank you,


 Tammy Eaton


Tidewater Property Management On-Site Community Association Manager

Queen’s Landing COUO, 500 Queen’s Landing Drive, Chester, MD  21619

O: 410.643.5192

[email protected]


Tidewater Property Management: 3600 Crondall Lane, Suite 100, Owings Mills, MD 21117

O: 443.548.0191 F: 443.548.0196

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