Queen’s Landing Thursday digest 11/21/24
Updates this week – deadline to repair balconies/decks is beginning of March 2025; social events; soft washings; turn off hose bibs please; progress on bridge; and holiday office hours.
Updates this week – deadline to repair balconies/decks is beginning of March 2025; social events; soft washings; turn off hose bibs please; progress on bridge; and holiday office hours.
Bingo, holiday party and decor, relocate the beaver, soft washing, deadline to terminate outside water, and bridge progress. Toys for Tots, and food for the hungry. And lots more. Read on!
Here’s what you need to know this week: Relocating the beaver, soft washing, hose bibs, our bridge, FSR walk-in office hours, parking stickers AND Snippets of Joy.
Newsletter and happy hour, soft washing and hose bibs, privacy, portal, payments, and other. How’s that for a potpourri! Have a good week.
Enjoy being thankful together, for friends, neighbors and our little spot in the world. Bring your beverage of choice and a snack to share, if you wish.
QLCUO Board Officers were elected, and committee chairs announced. Please follow the link in the announcement below to sign up for Board committees. Be well, Laurelle
Deadline to turn off your outside hose bibs; Creative approach to pet waste; Updates from FirstService Residential – work orders, census, inspection reports, accounting, resale packages. Have a lovely week.
We are delighted to announce Clark French, Anne Stewart-Pugh and Peggy Young have been elected for three-year terms, and Bob Holland, Ronnie Gunnerson and Carol Reiter have been elected for one-year terms. What an excellent group! Thank you to each of you.