Business Recap for April 2020

Date: April 29, 2020
Subject: Monthly Business Recap for April 2020

Highlights From Last Week’s BOD Meeting:

The April Board meeting marked the first time in Queens Landing history that all Board members, staff, and residents met remotely.  With business across the state slowed or stopped entirely there were fewer reports given, but here were the topics  of the evening’s discussions:

  • Phase 2 of the roof replacement project, which was already postponed by 30 days.  Further postponement may still be needed and discussion will follow after meeting again with the vendor.
  • Discussion on the lack of specific rules and regulations in Queens Landing policy related to drones.   The group agreed that at least it was worth it for the Documentation and Rules and Regulations committee investigate further at their next meeting.
  • 2020 BOD elections approaching in the fall may call for a change in procedures given the current crisis.   The group agreed this should be investigated further by the appropriate committees.
  • Following the rip rap work, it looks like a new kayak rack is being built, but this was confirmed by Maintenance committee only to be a spot cleared for a future one if needed.

A Voice for the Rivers

Local film makers Sandy Cameron-Brown and David Harp have released a 30 minute documentary called “A Voice for the Rivers” which features the Chester, Sassafras, Wye, and Choptank River Keepers and lovely footage of the watersheds.  The film recently appeared on MPT and can currently be viewed at,


You can find the minutes of BOD and committee meetings at the link below.  If you clicked the link below and are prompted for a login you may have to log in first and then click the link again.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on these office communications, please contact [email protected].

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