Free Offsite Pickleball Orientation for QL Residents – SIGN UP DEADLINE IS MAY 28

Date: May 22, 2020
Subject: Free Offsite Pickleball Orientation for QL Residents – SIGN UP DEADLINE IS MAY 28

The Clubhouse Operations and Social Committee (COSC) will be sponsoring a FREE Pickleball Orientation for resident beginners new to the game at Mowbray Park at 9: 30 AM each of the following Saturdays – May 30, June 6 and June 13.  CDC and local social gathering and distance guidelines will be followed and as such a  a maximum of 20 residents per session (10 per court) will be allowed.  As with all activities participation is at your own risk.  See attached flyer for further details.  Please register by clicking the “signup genius” link below.  Sign up Deadline is Thursday, 28 May.


Signup Genius link:   Free Pickleball Orientation Sign Up

By signing up for this activity I, for myself and on behalf of my estate, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and personal representativeshereby waive, release and discharge any and all claims for damage for personal injury, death, the contraction of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me, as a result of participation in activities sponsored by the Queen’s Landing Council of Unit Owners (QLCOUO). I agree to indemnify and to hold harmless, the QLCOUO, its officers, employees and agents from any loss, liability, damage, cost or expense which they may incur as the result of my death, contraction of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), or any injury or property damage that I may sustain while participating in any activity at Queen’s Landing or any offsite facility. I understand that by participating all Participants consent to photo images taken by the QLCOUO volunteers during this activity to be used in any or all QLCOUO publications and websites.


Mowbray Park directions:

Mowbray Park Google Map Directions


Please contact Walter Adcock (walter@ with any questions.


Hope to see you on May 30! 


Walter Adcock

COSC Chair



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