Subject: 2021 Small Craft Registration – CRAFT NOT RENEWED TO BE REMOVED BY JUNE 10th
Deadline for renewing small craft storage space was Friday, June 4th. We are only accepting New Applications as the renewal date has expired. If you did not submit a renewal application with your payment or receive an email from the office your craft is not registered, and all unregistered craft will be removed from the racks to make room for those that have sent in new registration.
These craft(s) need to be removed before noon on Thursday, June 10th . If they are not removed, we will have no other choice than to have it done for you at your expense at a rate of $45 per hour with a one hour minimum. (Queens Landing will not be responsible for any damage done to the kayak or replacement of the lock.) The kayak will be placed in storage, and you will need to schedule a time during business hours to retrieve. Business hours are Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm and Friday 8:00 am – 3:30 pm.
Please see original message sent 5/11/2021 below:
Small craft registrations are on an annual cycle and expire on May 30 of the following year. Going forward registration information will be posted on the QL website at and a broadcast message sent advising the dates for renewal registration and the start date for new registrations. The registration fee for both renewals and new registration is $30 per craft for this decal year (2021). This is a yearly fee and is nonrefundable, non-proratable and nontransferable. Please remember to submit one application per craft – do not list more than one craft on an application (2 crafts – 2 applications). You may pay for more than one craft with your check. Checks are to be made payable to Queens Landing COUO.
Attached to this notice are two different applications – one for renewals and one for new registration. If you have a craft with current decal and rack/slot information, please complete the SCS Renewal Application. All other craft should be registered using the SCS New Registration Application.
2021 RENEWALS – Registration Period is May 11 – June 4
If you have a legally registered craft already stored on one of the Association built and maintained racks, the registration timeframe for this year will start today May 11 and will continue through 3:30 pm on June 4. Please complete the Renewal Application(s) (one craft per application) and submit with payment to keep your space. You must provide the current decal number and rack/slot assignment on the renewal application. If this information is not provided, or the application is not completed in some other way the application will be treated as a new registration.
Option A – By Mail
Complete the Renewal Application(s) and return with payment. Please remember you must complete an application for each craft and please write your unit address on the memo line of the check. Your application(s) and payment must be received by June 4th. Please mail to QLCOUO, 500 Queen’s Landing Drive, Chester, MD 21619.
Option B – Drop off at clubhouse mailbox
Complete the Renewal Application(s), place application(s) and payment in an envelope, write name and unit address on outside of envelope and drop in the black mailbox located on the outside of the building to the right of the front entry of the clubhouse entrance. Please remember you must complete an application for each craft and please write your unit address on the memo line of the check. All must be submitted no later than 3:30 pm on June 4.
2021 NEW REGISTRATIONS – Registration Opens June 5
If you would like to store your small craft on one of the Association built and maintained racks, the registration timeframe for this year will open on June 5. Please remember there are a limited number of slots available and new registration is on a first come basis. Please complete the New Registration Application(s) (one craft per application) and submit with payment. Please make sure to complete everything correctly and to include the $30 per craft fee with your application. If the application is not completed correctly (incomplete or listing more than 1 craft per application) your application will not be processed until the issue is corrected.
Option A – By Mail
Complete the New Registration Application(s) and return with payment. Please remember you must complete an application for each craft and please write your unit address on the memo line of the check. Please mail to QLCOUO, 500 Queen’s Landing Drive, Chester, MD 21619.
Option B – Drop off at clubhouse mailbox
Complete the New Registration Application(s), place application(s) and payment in an envelope, write name and unit address on outside of envelope and drop in the black mailbox located on the outside of the building to the right of the front entry of the clubhouse entrance. Please remember you must complete an application for each craft and please write your unit address on the memo line of the check.
You will receive a confirming email advising we have processed your application and providing you with your rack and slot assignment(s). Tables will be set up outside the clubhouse for decal pick up. You should bring a copy of your confirming email with you. Please wear a mask and follow 6′ social distancing guidelines. If you have a concern about being able to pick up your decals, please contact the office. Decal distribution will be done onsite on the following days:
Monday, June 7, 10 am – 12 pm
Wednesday, June 9, 2 pm – 4 pm
Thursday, June 10, 10 am – 12 pm
Saturday, June 12, 8 am – 10 am