Queen's Landing News and Updates from the Office and the Community

Mowing to be Completed on Saturday, April 6

Good Morning QL, Weather permitting, mowing will be completed tomorrow, Saturday, April 6! Due to the on again / off again heavy rains over the past two weeks the landscapers were not able to start this years mowings at the expected scheduled time.  Had they attempted to do so, it

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Weekly: Calendar Reminders 4/5/2024

Upcoming Meetings Owners/residents are strongly encouraged to attend meetings so mark your calendars now, set your reminders, and either come to the clubhouse to join in person or tune in from the comfort of your home. Online meeting and call in number information for each meeting is provided on the portal

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Weekly: Calendar Reminders 3/27/2024

Upcoming Meetings Owners/residents are strongly encouraged to attend meetings so mark your calendars now, set your reminders, and either come to the clubhouse to join in person or tune in from the comfort of your home. Online meeting and call in number information for each meeting is provided on the portal

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Monthly: BOD Recap March 2024

March 2024 Board Recap   The Board met Monday, March 18 at 7:00, with about 15 homeowners attending. RESERVE STUDY The first order of business was to address the 2024 Reserve Study conducted by Miller+Dodson. This important study looks at the current and future financial health of Queen’s Landing. In

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Long Range Planning Committee – Volunteers Needed!

The Long Range Planning Committee is embarking on planning for the pool deck, the tennis/pickleball courts, and the lake bridge and they are looking for community volunteers who want to have an impact on these projects. Their next meeting will be Wednesday, March 27 at 5:00 pm.  If these projects

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Weekly: Calendar Reminders 3/19/2024

Upcoming Meetings Owners/residents are strongly encouraged to attend meetings so mark your calendars now, set your reminders, and either come to the clubhouse to join in person or tune in from the comfort of your home. Online meeting and call in number information for each meeting is provided on the portal

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Monthly Board of Director’s Meeting Tonight, 3/18/2024

Board Meeting tonight at 7 pm in the The Chester Room. The primary business will be to review the Reserve Study which will be presented.  Please see the agenda, attached, and information on how to join the meeting remotely, below: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or

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