BOD Recap for July 2023

Date: July 18, 2023
Subject: BOD Recap for July 2023

Hello Queen’s Landing and welcome to your July 2023 BOD meeting recap.


There were actually two Board meetings in July.   The first was on July 6 following the Q&A on the final adoption of Rules and Regs language relating to annual unit plumbing inspections and was held specifically to vote on this and the motion was passed.  The checklist that plumbers will use for these inspections should be available in the next week.


The second Board meeting was last night, held on the normal third Monday of the month.


The President’s message touched on two points.   The first was that pool rules must be followed or you risk losing your access.   Although they may seem overly restrictive, there are actual reasons for all of them.  For example, not letting people in through the exit-only gate is to stay in compliance with the State’s laws governing pools like ours.   If you have any questions on why a rule exists, feel free to ask us at


The second point was that our collective failure to follow the recycling rules set by our waste collection vendor (and ultimately, the county) is costing us all a lot of money.   Every time someone throws a couch cushion or a pair of shoes in there, the entire load is deemed unrecyclable and we get charged.   Unless we can figure out way to get everyone following the recycling rules consistently, we will just have to switch to all trash bins and recycle nothing.


Also mentioned was that it’s just about time to start planning for this year’s Board elections and that there will be four seats to be filled.  If you want to have a say in how the community makes big decisions, then you want to run for the Board.   You can also help run the community from the committees led by the Board and this doesn’t require any election, just an application to that committee.


In new business there were two motions:


The first was to fund the next round of door and window replacements, as planned in the Reserve, Maintenance, and Budget committees and this passed unanimously.


The second was to select the vendor for our next Reserve study which is required by the State every 3-5 years.   This also passed unanimously.


The next Board meeting is Monday, August 21 at 7pm.   Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

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